Tuesday 8 December 2015

My Photo Shoot For My Middle Pages

For my photo shoot for my middle pages I wanted both of my sisters to look at each other seriously. I experimented with the distance between both of my models and the shot, whether it should be a medium close up or just a close up. I wanted Amy and Ayeshia to be the same level to show that they are equal. I also really like the shadow under their faces because I feel that it gives it more of a serious tension between the two. Whilst looking at these photo's I released that the image where Amy and Ayeshia are more close together(image 2) will not work out as there is no space for me to put my story as I want the writing in between them. I think that images 4,5,6 and 7 are the best as the height between both of them are equal as I wanted. Especially in image 4,6 and 7 I think that both Amy and Ayeshia look more serious and they are the best images to use.

1 comment:

  1. Great photos here Sophie, you might need to reshoot a few of these but a really nice first attempt. Well done
