Monday 7 December 2015

My Photo Shoot For My Front Cover

Here are some pictures I took for my main image on my magazine cover. I did not want to change the angle, I only used medium close up and close up as this is one of the conventions of R&B and hip-hop magazine covers. I also made my model experiment with different facial expressions and poses. In all of the images I wanted Amy (my model) to open her mouth to show her grills and I wanted her to give the audience the thought that Amy has a attitude that she does not care about most things and that nothing affects. I wanted a plain background so it will help my model to stand out from the front cover, I decided to dress my model in a black top as the background is white and black is a opposite colour to white. Whilst researching R&B and hip-hop magazine covers one of the conventions of women where them wearing not a lot of clothing and having a lot on show, which this represents women as being an object. But I want to go against this, I want women in my magazine to be shown to my audience as being powerful and successful as well as being equal to males within the R&B and hip-hop genre.

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